Catching Up…

Louisville signingHi! Wow, it’s been a while since I posted anything. Life has been a whirlwind, starting with a trip to Arlington, VA for the Passionate Pen conference, sponsored by Blushing Books, LazyDay Publishing and Mystic Books. The workshops were great! I met a lot of readers, authors, and editors and got to spend time again with some of my favorite folks, including Bethany, Allison, Joey, and Alta, some of the wonderful people at Blushing/LD/Mystic.

After that it was home again and back to the routine, well sort of. September was a busy month! I had a book signing at the library in my hometown, got to see a lot of old friends. The following weekend, I spent the an evening with my lifelong friends, you remember them, my Fab Five series was inspired by them. The next day, I traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for another book signing. Again, saw some old friends and met some new ones and already looking forward to the next Kentuckiana Authors Book Blitz. That wasn’t all. The weekend after that, we drove to Maumee, Ohio to attend the wedding of our great nephew. It was a unique and beautiful wedding and reception. Spending time with family we don’t see very often was fun. The next day, we went into Toledo and met with one of my readers on her birthday. She introduced us to her best friend and we had a good time visiting with them. After we left them, we stopped to eat at the famous Tony Packo’s before heading home to Indiana. Whew! Time for a break. So you would think. Are you kidding? After all that excitement, I had writing and editing to catch up on.

Tyrel and Molly

I recently finished a sweet Christmas novella, to be included in an anthology with ten other authors. The proceeds from Christmas Miracles will go to St. Jude’s Hospital. I’ll provide more information as it becomes available. Right now, it’s set to release at a special price on Black Friday and that price will run through Cyber Monday.

Tony Packos

That done, I’m working on a spicier little Christmas story from my alter ego, Isabella Kole, titled Training Mrs. C. I”m expecting edits soon from another Isabella book, The Longing Within, which releases in November. Then it’s on to the next book. Never a dull moment around the old writing cave.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I hope you’re enjoying the scenery and cooler weather as I am.

That’s about it for now. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I’ll be back with a teaser and the cover from my November release soon.