A Special Birthday, An Anniversary, and A Celebratory Sale…

RIP blingHi again from Anna’s world! It’s the first day of August, and like everyone else I know, I’m wondering where this year has gone! I have a lot of things on tap this month, finishing my current book, starting on a Christmas novella for an anthology I am proud to be a part of, my 25th book release, which I’ll talk about in another post, and a conference later in the month. Busy, busy times in the life of this author. Today, though, I want to tell you about a very special birthday. Rebel Ink Press, the very first publisher I received a contract from three years ago, turns five this month. All kinds of exciting things are planned to celebrate, including the fact that several books are on sale for $0.99 on Amazon the entire month. That’s a great gift to our readers, don’t you think? This month also marks the second anniversary of the release of one of my favorite books, Remember Our Promise. The book was so well received when it debuted in August of 2013 that some readers asked if it was going to be a series. Actually, I had no plans of that nature, but after thinking about it and talking to the folks at Rebel Ink Press, it was decided to make it a trilogy. That’s how The Promises Trilogy came to be. Book two released earlier this year and to celebrate the birthday of the publisher, it will be included in the lineup of $0.99 choices this month. I’m excited to bring you A Cowboy’s Promise at a discounted price. Get caught up, because next year the final book of the trilogy, The Forgotten Promise, will be added. Here’s the blurb for Remember Our Promise:remember-our-promise-jpeg.jpg Lily Wells has been in love with David Black since she was fifteen years old. When she was eighteen, he broke her heart, leaving her with a promise that the year they turned thirty, if neither was married, they would find a way to reconnect. As fate would have it, twelve years later, while she is in her hometown for her grandmother’s funeral, she runs into David. Still as breathtakingly handsome as ever, now a prominent Texas attorney, he makes it clear he’s a confirmed bachelor. After one perfect, romantic weekend together, Lily returns to her job as the acquisitions editor for a New York City publishing house, knowing that a life with David is still her heart’s desire. Believing that to him she’s only one of his many female companions and that he has no recollection of the promise she’s clung to for the past twelve years, she goes on with her life in the Big Apple. She and David remain in contact with each other, however, seemingly growing closer. Will he break her heart a second time or is it possible that she’s misreading the signs? And now the blurb for A Cowboy’s Promise:Cowboy's Promise-flat Valerie Kennedy is feeling restless. Bored with her life in New York City, she finds herself searching for something more. She dreams of peace and serenity. Love has eluded her until she decides to pay a visit to her old friend, Lily Black, in Texas. There she is introduced to hot cowboy, Levi Ridgeway. Her first impression of him isn’t good, but as she spends more time with him she discovers that Levi and Texas might just hold the key to her happiness. The pot is sweetened by an offer to join Lily as a partner in her publishing company. When one crisis after another forces Val to stay in New York and put important decisions on hold, will she let her dreams fade away and give up the only man she’s ever loved? Buy link to the sale… http://www.amazon.com/Cowboys-Promise-Anna-Kristell-ebook/dp/B00S1PRIPQ/ref=la_B00B1LK14W_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1438456239&sr=1-2 Enjoy the romance and let’s meet back here in a few weeks when I tell you all about my twenty-fifth book… Love, Anna