Just Another Week In This Crazy Life

Welcome back to Anna’s world! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for even though at times I know it doesn’t seem that way.
Yours truly came down with a bladder infection on Thanksgiving Day…ugh…but I’ve managed to upload my NaNoWriMo novel, write two chapters in my new book and submit Remember Our Promise.

If you’ll recall, Remember Our Promise is the book I’ve been working on. This one more or less wrote itself, taking me along for the ride. The idea came to me one night and I knew immediately how I wanted to tell the love story of Lily and David.

I wrote it in sixteen days and I wish all stories were that easy. The words flowed…at times my fingers couldn’t keep up with my brain. These characters just spoke to me from page one. It’s a sweet love story and hopefully you’ll get to read it soon.

As for the one I’ve just started, it’s the fourth in my Fab Five series from Lazy Day Publishing. The countdown has begun…the first in the series, Crossroad to Love, will be released in January. I should be getting my edits and cover for it very soon. I’ll share the cover with you just as soon as I have it! It was the first book I wrote and Lazy Day has made my dream of turning it into a series a reality! We’re hoping to release a new one in the series every other month.

And of course, don’t forget that Rebel Ink Press will be releasing Unlikely Lovers in February and Sunny’s Love in April. So you see, I really do have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Until next week, I hope you all have a wonderful week and let’s meet back here next Sunday so I can give you an update on all the happenings in Anna’s World.

Don’t forget to check out my website http://www.annakristellromance.com

And The Craziness Continues…

Hello and welcome back to Anna’s world, where the craziness never ends, it seems.

It’s been a very productive week and an exciting one, to say the least. Earlier in the week, while in an all day meeting at the day job, we were having a break and I went in search of coffee, in order to stay awake for the remainder of the meeting. When I returned, my friend and co-worker told me that an email had come through on my phone in my absence. She said it was about a manuscript. Now mind you, I had been waiting all day to get said email and the fact that I had left my phone at the table just goes to show you how rattled I’ve been. Of course, I didn’t believe her, as I knew that she knew I was waiting for this all important email. However, I couldn’t resist and had to look at it and…you guessed it. It was a contract from Lazy Day Publishing for the manuscript I had submitted the week before!! It’s official now, the third book in my Fab Five series will be out in May! The Road To His Soul follows Crossroad To Love in January and The Road To Her Heart in March.

As if that wasn’t excitement enough, on Friday evening, I finished my NaNoWriMo novel. This is the 50,000 word novel you are supposed to write in 30 days. Well, I have over 53,000 words and it was finished in 16 days. Whew! Although this particular story pretty much wrote itself. I believe that I was only along for the ride. This is the one that invaded my mind while I was finishing The Road To His Soul and wouldn’t leave me alone until I stopped and typed up the outline for it. Every once in a blue moon,  a storyline just hits you and this was one of those. I knew from Day One exactly what was going to take place throughout the story and how it would end. Now generally I know how it starts, the main plot and the ending but have to come up with interesting events along the way to fill in the middle. Not with Remember Our Promise. Every detail was screaming at me to put it on paper.  And actually this one started out with a different title but I changed it because the publisher I want to submit it to just released one with a title similar to mine. My daughter came up with the new title and I love it! After a bit of polishing, this one will be going off to the editor to see if she loves it as much as I do.

Today I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 with five friends from work and loved it!

What’s next for Anna?  Well, after polishing and submitting Remember Our Promise,  I am expecting my edits to come in for Crossroad To Love, so will be busy with those. The edits for Unlikely Lovers should be making their way to me from Rebel Ink Press shortly after that and I will be starting the fourth romance in the Fab Five  series, so you see, the craziness just goes on and on and on…and I’m loving every second of it!

Until next week, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to give thanks for all you hold dear and for all the wonderful things in your life and meet me back here next week for an update on the happenings in Anna’s Crazy World.


Anna 🙂

Anna’s Busy Week…

Here I am again with an update on my week for you. It’s been a busy one…whew! We returned from the hospital last weekend as you know. I spent the remainder of my time away from my day job catching up on my writing and getting the manuscript I had finished before leaving for the hospital polished and ready to submit. I hit the send button on Friday evening…so here’s hoping my publisher likes it as well as she has liked the other two in the series. That was a major accomplishment. I also polished up one of the manuscripts under contract with my other other publisher and sent to her so she can begin her edits on it.

I returned to work mid-week and have been extremely busy catching up on all I’d missed in the two weeks I was away. That’s always fun…not! It was good seeing my friends there though and getting back into the normal routine.

I have also been very busy with my NaNoWriMo novel. This is National Novel Writing Month and the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, beginning at midnight on November first. I am at 29,999 words right now and the story is coming along very nicely. This was an idea that popped into my ever dreaming mind while in the midst of writing another one. I had to change the name of it but that’s alright. I am glad to be finishing it now as I have once again fallen head over heels in love with my characters and am rooting for them to be together. Of course, there has to be conflict in their romance, so I’ve got that covered. Poor Lily and David, if only they could read each other’s minds…

My hubby is beginning to feel better after his last round of immunotherapy treatments, so we are once again looking forward to the upcoming holiday season.

Let us not forget our Veterans this Veteran’s Day, those we’ve lost and those still protecting our country.

One last note before signing off…if you like Country music, I have a friend I’d like to introduce you to. His new website is up. http://www.johnadammurph.com  Check it out, read about him, listen to some tunes. I had the pleasure of meeting JAM a few years ago. He is a super nice guy and a great talent. His dedication to our troops is amazing as he travels across the oceans to perform for them.

Until next Sunday when we meet again, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, and safe week. And don’t forget to swing by my new website and sign my guestbook. http://www.annakristellromance.com



Anna’s Bittersweet Week

Hello again and welcome back to Anna’s World. It’s been a bittersweet week for me this week. As you know, my husband was in the hospital this past week receiving immunotherapy treatments. It didn’t go so well. After seven of the possible fourteen treatments, we had to discontinue due to severe complications. We are back home and he is slowly recovering. After going thirty six hours without sleep, I am pleased to say I have rested and have been busy, busy, busy since we returned home.

I started my NaNoWriMo novel. (National Novel Writing Month) This is my first time to attempt this. 50,000 words in 30 days…I usually pound out several thousand words in one sitting but with going back to work later this week, I’m not sure how much time I will have each day to write. I tend to write on the weekends with an occasional stint at the computer during the week. We shall see how this progresses.

Getting closer to submitting “The Road To His Soul” to the publisher who is releasing my “Fab Five Series”. I’m excited about that!

A cute little tidbit that I’ve been proudly sharing that I just have to tell you about. My daughter is a huge Shayla Black fan, reads all her books. I gave her one of my manuscripts and asked her to check it over for typos, errors, etc. She called me after she’d started reading it and informed me that she had to put the current Shayla Black novel she’d been reading on hold because she simply could not put mine down…  Of course, I’m loving every minute of it. 🙂

I have a new website now. It is http://www.annakristellromance.com   Feel free to check it out and sign my guestbook!

That’s about all for this week…I have lots of writing and editing to do before returning to my “other” job this week.

See you all back here next week for more news in Anna’s World.

